Austin Psychiatric Alliance, PLLC

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Telehealth Links

Telehealth Links

At this time, telehealth is the preferred method of communication, but patients who prefer to visit the clinic are welcome. 

Telephone-only appointments are acceptable for patients who do not want  or do not have the equipment for the video portion.  Please let us know as far in advance in that case.

Prior to your telehealth appointment, please click your provider's link to enter the virtual waiting room a few minutes early to test your connection ability.   Please consider using a Google Chrome browser as the Apple Safari browser does not seem optimized for this platform.

While using a smartphone is acceptable, a laptop or desktop computer with a camera would avoid session interruptions from calls and texts.

Your provider will be able to see that you've logged into the virtual waiting room and will start the session when they becomee available. 

Dr. Mark Esche
Dr. David Urrate
NP Camille Watson